Google AdSense Optimization Report

Every beginning of the week, Google AdSense will send publishers an optimization report that consists of advices on how you can optimize your AdSense to further earn more. I always find these information very useful, but thinking that if folks at AdSense have to provide optimization report for god knows how many publishers out there, how do they do that? Will these reports be accurate or are they are just piles of optimization tips randomly given to us every month?

My optimization tips for this month advises me to revise my competitive filter list as I could be filtering potential ads that could revenue me more from Google AdSense. So how I guess the Optimization Report is somehow accurate because I’ve just added a large list to my competitive ads filter 2 weeks ago. That’s just another experiments I’m doing on Google AdSense. Well I believe I should remove them as AdSense have already kill most MFA and Arbitrages sites, that makes adding them to competitive filter list a bit unnecessary.
